
Widgets are WordPress Plugins that add visitor visual and interactivity options and features, such as sidebar widgets for post categories, tag clouds, twiiter widget, search, etc.


[testimonials order=»RAND»]

Twitter widget

[twitter items=»4″ title=»Twitter widget» username=»themefuse»] [flickr title=»Flickr photostream» items=»5″ flickr_id=»51362473@N05″] [clear]

Recent / Most Commented Widget

[tabs_posts items=»5″] [clear]

Other Shortcodes

[row] [col type=»1_2″ class=»»] [autentificate] [/col] [col type=»1_2″ class=»»] [newsletter title=»Newsletter» text=»» rss_feed=»true»] [search] [/col] [/row] [divider type=»space_thin»]